Sizes (in pixels) Monthly Quarterly Annually
Full banner (468 x 60) N360, 000 N1, 030, 000 N4, 240, 400
Half banner (234 x 60) N200, 000 N550, 000 N2, 300, 000
Rectangle (300 x 250) N400, 000 N1, 150, 000 N4, 700, 000
Button 1 (120 x 90) N150, 000 N405, 000 N1, 700, 000
Button 2 (120 x 60) N120, 000 N330, 000 N1, 390, 800
Leader Board(728 x 90) N500, 000 N1,450,000 N5, 700, 000
Adverts must be in GIF, JPEG, and SWF formats: Maximum of four animated frames per creative.
Macromedia Flash (.swf) ads should have a “Click” variable expression in place for embedded URLs and target windows must be set to “_blank”.
All flash creative require a back-up GIF image
Artwork to be provided by advertisers, saved in JPEG, GIF or SWF format sent to newinfinitylive@gmail.com
All adverts MUST be prepaid.
Terms of Acceptance
Adverts are accepted on the condition that www.infinitylive.com.ng (Staff and agents) are indemnified against any expense or loss through any claims arising from publishing advert(s) by advertiser online.